The Secret by Mavis Karn
Narrated by Jeoffrey Hutcherson
Infinite Possibilities 2021
Impossible Moments by Jeoffrey Hutcherson
Breaking through the Fear Factor
Simple thoughts on empowerment right here right now. I have a fear and I use it for fuel and I move anyway. You are an empowered person…or not. The choice is yours all day everyday!
The R.I.C.H. Process
There are lots of ways to be happy. nothing has to change so that you can choose to feel good. the one thing you can do is control how you feel and the inspired action will present itself next.
The Ultimate Control
Remember this if you are thinking negative
Four Things
Victims fight victims. Empowered people empower others and show them being a victim is a choice…just like choosing to be empowered.
Speaking at Joyfest in Chicago with fellow Infinite Possibility trainers Jim and Christina Herbert.
Infinite Possibilities 2015
Trailblazer panel – Train the trainer – Ventura beach
Webinar about my second book ``Hot Chocolate Happiness``
“I never accomplished much in life if I was not passionate about doing it.”
The Secret by Mavis Karn
Narrated by Jeoffrey Hutcherson
Breaking through the Fear Factor
Simple thoughts on empowerment right here right now. I have a fear and I use it for fuel and I move anyway. You are an empowered person…or not. The choice is yours all day everyday!
Four Things
Victims fight victims. Empowered people empower others and show them being a victim is a choice…just like choosing to be empowered.
Speaking at Joyfest in Chicago with fellow Infinite Possibility trainers Jim and Christina Herbert.
Webinar about my second book ``Hot Chocolate Happiness``
The R.I.C.H. Process
There are lots of ways to be happy. nothing has to change so that you can choose to feel good. the one thing you can do is control how you feel and the inspired action will present itself next.