Your Happiness is an Inside Job: How you can shift into happiness and beyond
Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do, are in harmony- Mahatma Gandhi
During one of my classes, the subject of happiness came up. A student was absolutely amazed at how much more aware of her life, she had become since the class the week before. I then asked one of the other students “What do you think needs to happen in your life for you to be happy?” The room fell silent, waiting for her answer. I then suggested that each of the participants actually write down his or her response to the query.
How would you respond to that question?
Take two minutes-right now, to make a list of things that would need to happen for you to be happy. When I did this exercise the first time, I wrote and wrote and wrote. All the things I thought I needed to have to allow myself to feel happy.
Look at that again…What did I think I needed to have in my life to feel happy?
We have been conditioned in our society to think that. When we have an opportunity that we utilize to allow ourselves to feel happy, as the source of our happiness. You are so happy when you buy a new car but the car is not the source of your happiness.
When you see this, it seems so simple. Unfortunately, we are conditioned to make things more complicated than they need to be.
Here’s an example:
A father was talking with his daughter and she asked him why things didn’t stay perfect. He asked her what she meant. She explained that in her eyes, things didn’t stay perfect for very long. “Like my desk,” the girl said. “My lamp needs to be over here, my papers need to be over there, and my flowers need to be over there. My pencils and things need to be here, and when all that stuff is in its right place, then things are perfect.”
The father then asked, “So, when one of those things is out of place, things aren’t perfect anymore? What if I move the pencils over here?” (The girl cringed) “It’s not perfect.” She nodded. “And if I move your flowers over here…?” The father just kept moving stuff around, and the girl became more and more agitated. “When these things are here, life is not perfect and you can’t be happy?”
She said, “Right, Dad.”
So being an intelligent man, he told his daughter, “It’s not that things aren’t perfect, and you can’t be happy, it’s that you have more rules for things not to be perfect, and because you imagine things not being perfect. You don’t allow yourself be happy.”
She got the hint big time.
Let’s change some of the rules you might have in your life, so that you can increase your happiness. Know that you are the one who determines your level of happiness. You are totally in charge of how you choose to feel on the inside. Your happiness does not depend on anything outside you. You can feel happy all the time when you simply allow yourself to feel that way.
You can take yourself out of the programmed thinking that you need a special item or certain amount of money or a special someone in your life to be happy. Nothing special needs to happen for you to be happy. You can just decide to be happy and then you’ll find reasons that will reinforce and support you in your decision.
Being happy is an inside job! It’s your choice so choose wisely.