INTERVIEW - Everyday Is A New Day w/ Kim O'Neill

Jeoffrey Hutcherson

Kim O’Niell: When we choose that joy for ourselves and act on it, whatever comes up for us, what that means for each person. That moment. That action is stepping into a person’s power. What we choose for ourselves, feels amazing for ourselves, and when we continue to carry that out into the world with who we meet, who we come across, even just who we stand next to, that reverberates out. If on any level we’re trying to make a difference on all those other things we don’t like seeing. All it takes is starting right here. It really is, and then things continue to line up … And that is how, going back to creating our own life. That is how we create more of what we want.
What we want to experience, attract, see. That’s it. It starts right here.

Jeoffrey H: Yeah. I’m probably sure I’ve shared this with you before too is that now, since we’re playing in the emotional world and everything that we want is the emotion that we regenerate. You’ve chosen joy, and I’ve done that too. Every morning I’d get up, and I’d say, “I’m choosing joy today, and my joy shows up like this.”
That’s totally what happens in every moment because I’ve picked my emotions, then things happen in my life that reflect the emotions that I’m feeling. So you have no idea how the day I had prior to … We got a snapshot, because you saw me in the picture of me and it was really amazing.
Again, waking up today my joy shows up like this. My joy shows up like this. All of my animals. All of these instances, even right here right now with you. The beauty of this moment of this is how my joy shows up because it’s being reflected of what I’m feeling and generating on the inside.

Kim O’Niell: Stepping into your power. Bringing it into the present moment.

Jeoffrey H: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Kim O’Niell: Yeah.

Jeoffrey H: Yeah, very much so. I’ll give you this little piece too, because depending on where people are within this conversation, if they don’t exactly know how to take their power back from a limiting belief … Well, let me just give you this little exercise that was done for me, and I just keep using it and sharing with people as well. Again, we make stuff up and then we believe it. Just go ahead and play, and humor the facilitator. Okay?
This is addressing any person, situation, life experiences that you may have had, and going through and that you just might feel stuck in any area in your life, and I don’t even need you to identify it because you already know what it is, concerning what’s important to you.
I’m going to say this, and you can just repeat this in your mind if you want or you can repeat it after me, but it’s this simple to tap into that place of regaining your power.
Take a moment to just breathe in and drop into your heart, if you will. Imagine yourself just taking an elevator down to your heart, out of your mind. You’re getting into your heart, and you’re just breathing. In and out. Comfortably in and out. From here, I gave my power to you. It’s my energy. It’s time to call my spirit back. With appreciation of the cosmic design, I now allow my power to come back home to me. Through all levels, through all dimensions. Throughout all time and space. It’s just that simple.

Kim O’Niell: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Jeoffrey H: You can feel your power returning. You can feel how you’ve giving your energy to certain belief systems, to the idea of who you think you should be. The idea of how much money you think you should have, or whatever you’re defining ideas of you. You can take your power back from all of that and in this moment you can feel totally empowered, and know that it’s where you place your energy, where you have your design, that you are the designer for ever more.
This energy flows from yourself to yourself, and through yourself. This is reclaiming your energy. You feel … I can tell … I’m looking at you right now. I can tell you from what I just did there. Just that little simple exercise.

Kim O’Niell: Yeah.

Jeoffrey H: Just that little simple breathing and way of thinking, you feel the shift.

Kim O’Niell: It’s important to do exercises, guided meditations like what Jeoffrey was just walking us through, to collect your energy back. Strengthen your own connection with your higher self and give that to yourself. Help yourself as well with that. That love.

Jeoffrey H: Let’s have some more fun here, and breaking this down because … Since we’ve playing within a spiritual game, there’s a certain language that they use. Let’s take it to a newer level too, because people talk about your higher self … And yes we are physical and yes we are higher energy too, but it’s that inner energy that really can drive us, and so let’s really have fun playing with that too because now once you’ve taken your power back okay, and if you can just feel that level of comforterbility … Is that a word? Comfortability. We’ll just-

Kim O’Niell: Sure.

Jeoffrey H: I make up words all the time too. That level of comfort that’s inside of you. Okay? From now on when you see people going through their life, living their I can’t, while you’re breathing your I can, it’s one thing to know that when I’m … Kim you need to know that I’m going to be here for you.
Always and forever. What I mean by here for you, is that I’m going to be Jeff Free, all the time. I’m going to be happy. I’m going to do everything that I can in my power to take care of me, that I’m going to be here for you because if you forget at any given point, and that you’re someplace that you might’ve forgotten … Guess what? I’m going to be able to come where you are and be here, happy for you. I will not be where you will … If you’re feeling less than, whatever the case might be.
If you’re forgetting who you are, I’m going to be here for you so that I can come too, and then both of us can decide to move out if you’d like because that’s what’s most important. That I have my energy here. That I am a representation of the joy that I wish to be, and that I can come with you in your moment of forgetfulness and remind you of who you are. I’m not going to come and empathize with you and be depressed with you too because now we got two sad asses, and then what we’re going to do from there because we have two sad asses right there.
I’m going to be happy. I’m not going to empathize with you. I’m going to be compassionate for you, and be that for you.

Kim O’Niell: Yes.

Jeoffrey H: If you want to be happy, you know where I am. Okay? That’s that inner drive. Right there.

Kim O’Niell: Yes. I love that you brought that point up. It’s another way to look at, how can someone be there for someone else? Be all of you first. There’s a difference between caring for someone and feeling for someone.

Jeoffrey H: Yup.

Kim O’Niell: There’s a difference between caring for someone and feeling for someone because I know I used to say and I’ve heard others say, “Oh, I feel for you. Oh, I feel for you. I feel for you.” And I just sort of … Like you were just saying, kind of drops that other person down to … This person’s not feeling so great, and now this person just sort of drops down there too.
We can stay where we are and care for someone and actually that has the potential to lift this person up, as opposed to us coming down to their level. I’m going to say too, because here’s something that has gone through my head as a coach. Something that I’ve had to resolve and, “Okay, how does that fit with this?” Because as a coach we’re also supposed to meet the client where they are, and that also requires me … Okay, well then how can I stand in my power, and yet meet the person where they are to lift them up.
I don’t know. I’m just sharing that. I’ll probably edit that part out.

Jeoffrey H: No, no, no. That’s perfect because see again, that is using the, I’m going to be here for you to the utmost level because meet them where they are. Now, who’s ever strongest, and wherever they are is going to dominate that experience.

Kim O’Niell: Yeah.

Jeoffrey H: Because if that person is so locked into their limitations, and you know that there’s something else more for you but you’re meeting them where they are, and they’re just not changing. They’re just not changing and suddenly boom, you’re at their level of their belief of their limitation.
It’s one thing to know that look, “I’m creating my own life, you’re creating your life. I am not responsible in any way for how you’re creating your life because again, I’ve made the rules very simple. You are the most powerful thing in this universe and you’re going to do everything to prove me right, even if you fight me. Because if I say that your life is going to boil down to four words if you say so … can’t beat it.”
I can’t beat it. No matter what I say, is going to offer any difference if you believe something so strongly, and nothing is going to waiver you on that, my point is proven. My point is proven. If you say so, but you get to control how you’re say. You get to control how you think, and just from there you can be in your … I’m going to be in my spot here, you’re going to be in your spot here, and oh my god we are all the way up here, and look at what’s happening now because … Damn Kim.
What if I did not take care of myself today? What if I was not ready for you, for this phone … Do you have any … It would be the total opposite if I didn’t take care of myself, so I had to be here for you, for this in this moment, to have this fun that we wanted to have.

Kim O’Niell: If you didn’t take care of yourself there’s a good chance that we would not have even been a match, and maybe would not have even … I don’t know. On some level, maybe we never would have connected. Maybe you would have never seen … Because I posted a message on Facebook. Who of my friends would be interested in doing an interview like this.

Jeoffrey H: Right.

Kim O’Niell: You may have not seen it, or I may not have even thought of you because I thought of you for the radio show too, right?

Jeoffrey H: Yeah.

Kim O’Niell: That’s the importance. You taking care of you, and me taking care of me. Right? And also listening to my guidance allowed us to link up and, ah ha, there is a match. I feel such just … I’m not flirting Jeoffrey… But our energy was

Jeoffrey H: I know I get it. No, you don’t understand. Because I get it and what you just said there was echoing a life experience that I had personally when I was younger. When I didn’t have as many words or references as I do now, and it’s very simplistically this, I’m going to take care of me for you. You take care of you for me, so that when we come together there’s no baggage. We’re both fine, and then we can both grow from the wonderful places that we already see, and love each other from rather than thinking, “You’re making up for my weaknesses.”
Because uh-uh (negative). No, no, no, no.

Kim O’Niell: Yes, yeah. It’s not to half’s make a whole. It’s two wholes make this.

Jeoffrey H: Two wholes. Yes. Yes. Absolutely. Yes, yes. I’m not looking for my better half because damn it, I’m not half of a person.

Kim O’Niell: There you go.

Jeoffrey H: I’m wholly me, and you’re wholly you, and we can come together and make three. You’re feeling that energetic mood there but yes, that’s exactly it.
See, this is that new conversation. This is that new place. This is shattering the old belief systems of … I love to have these dangerous thoughts too because since religions are something that’s just again, something that was created … Here’s just a thought, an idea for me that I’ve had, and this is really fun and dangerous too because when we look at Abraham, when we look at-

Kim O’Niell: Abraham Hicks for anyone who’s questioning.

Part 6


Jeoffrey Hutcherson Blog

INTERVIEW - Everyday Is A New Day w/ Kim O'Neill

Jeoffrey Hutcherson

Kim O’Niell: When we choose that joy for ourselves and act on it, whatever comes up for us, what that means for each person. That moment. That action is stepping into a person’s power. What we choose for ourselves, feels amazing for ourselves, and when we continue to carry that out into the world with who we meet, who we come across, even just who we stand next to, that reverberates out. If on any level we’re trying to make a difference on all those other things we don’t like seeing. All it takes is starting right here. It really is, and then things continue to line up … And that is how, going back to creating our own life. That is how we create more of what we want.
What we want to experience, attract, see. That’s it. It starts right here.

Jeoffrey H: Yeah. I’m probably sure I’ve shared this with you before too is that now, since we’re playing in the emotional world and everything that we want is the emotion that we regenerate. You’ve chosen joy, and I’ve done that too. Every morning I’d get up, and I’d say, “I’m choosing joy today, and my joy shows up like this.”
That’s totally what happens in every moment because I’ve picked my emotions, then things happen in my life that reflect the emotions that I’m feeling. So you have no idea how the day I had prior to … We got a snapshot, because you saw me in the picture of me and it was really amazing.
Again, waking up today my joy shows up like this. My joy shows up like this. All of my animals. All of these instances, even right here right now with you. The beauty of this moment of this is how my joy shows up because it’s being reflected of what I’m feeling and generating on the inside.

Kim O’Niell: Stepping into your power. Bringing it into the present moment.

Jeoffrey H: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Kim O’Niell: Yeah.

Jeoffrey H: Yeah, very much so. I’ll give you this little piece too, because depending on where people are within this conversation, if they don’t exactly know how to take their power back from a limiting belief … Well, let me just give you this little exercise that was done for me, and I just keep using it and sharing with people as well. Again, we make stuff up and then we believe it. Just go ahead and play, and humor the facilitator. Okay?
This is addressing any person, situation, life experiences that you may have had, and going through and that you just might feel stuck in any area in your life, and I don’t even need you to identify it because you already know what it is, concerning what’s important to you.
I’m going to say this, and you can just repeat this in your mind if you want or you can repeat it after me, but it’s this simple to tap into that place of regaining your power.
Take a moment to just breathe in and drop into your heart, if you will. Imagine yourself just taking an elevator down to your heart, out of your mind. You’re getting into your heart, and you’re just breathing. In and out. Comfortably in and out. From here, I gave my power to you. It’s my energy. It’s time to call my spirit back. With appreciation of the cosmic design, I now allow my power to come back home to me. Through all levels, through all dimensions. Throughout all time and space. It’s just that simple.

Kim O’Niell: Mm-hmm (affirmative).

Jeoffrey H: You can feel your power returning. You can feel how you’ve giving your energy to certain belief systems, to the idea of who you think you should be. The idea of how much money you think you should have, or whatever you’re defining ideas of you. You can take your power back from all of that and in this moment you can feel totally empowered, and know that it’s where you place your energy, where you have your design, that you are the designer for ever more.
This energy flows from yourself to yourself, and through yourself. This is reclaiming your energy. You feel … I can tell … I’m looking at you right now. I can tell you from what I just did there. Just that little simple exercise.

Kim O’Niell: Yeah.

Jeoffrey H: Just that little simple breathing and way of thinking, you feel the shift.

Kim O’Niell: It’s important to do exercises, guided meditations like what Jeoffrey was just walking us through, to collect your energy back. Strengthen your own connection with your higher self and give that to yourself. Help yourself as well with that. That love.

Jeoffrey H: Let’s have some more fun here, and breaking this down because … Since we’ve playing within a spiritual game, there’s a certain language that they use. Let’s take it to a newer level too, because people talk about your higher self … And yes we are physical and yes we are higher energy too, but it’s that inner energy that really can drive us, and so let’s really have fun playing with that too because now once you’ve taken your power back okay, and if you can just feel that level of comforterbility … Is that a word? Comfortability. We’ll just-

Kim O’Niell: Sure.

Jeoffrey H: I make up words all the time too. That level of comfort that’s inside of you. Okay? From now on when you see people going through their life, living their I can’t, while you’re breathing your I can, it’s one thing to know that when I’m … Kim you need to know that I’m going to be here for you.
Always and forever. What I mean by here for you, is that I’m going to be Jeff Free, all the time. I’m going to be happy. I’m going to do everything that I can in my power to take care of me, that I’m going to be here for you because if you forget at any given point, and that you’re someplace that you might’ve forgotten … Guess what? I’m going to be able to come where you are and be here, happy for you. I will not be where you will … If you’re feeling less than, whatever the case might be.
If you’re forgetting who you are, I’m going to be here for you so that I can come too, and then both of us can decide to move out if you’d like because that’s what’s most important. That I have my energy here. That I am a representation of the joy that I wish to be, and that I can come with you in your moment of forgetfulness and remind you of who you are. I’m not going to come and empathize with you and be depressed with you too because now we got two sad asses, and then what we’re going to do from there because we have two sad asses right there.
I’m going to be happy. I’m not going to empathize with you. I’m going to be compassionate for you, and be that for you.

Kim O’Niell: Yes.

Jeoffrey H: If you want to be happy, you know where I am. Okay? That’s that inner drive. Right there.

Kim O’Niell: Yes. I love that you brought that point up. It’s another way to look at, how can someone be there for someone else? Be all of you first. There’s a difference between caring for someone and feeling for someone.

Jeoffrey H: Yup.

Kim O’Niell: There’s a difference between caring for someone and feeling for someone because I know I used to say and I’ve heard others say, “Oh, I feel for you. Oh, I feel for you. I feel for you.” And I just sort of … Like you were just saying, kind of drops that other person down to … This person’s not feeling so great, and now this person just sort of drops down there too.
We can stay where we are and care for someone and actually that has the potential to lift this person up, as opposed to us coming down to their level. I’m going to say too, because here’s something that has gone through my head as a coach. Something that I’ve had to resolve and, “Okay, how does that fit with this?” Because as a coach we’re also supposed to meet the client where they are, and that also requires me … Okay, well then how can I stand in my power, and yet meet the person where they are to lift them up.
I don’t know. I’m just sharing that. I’ll probably edit that part out.

Jeoffrey H: No, no, no. That’s perfect because see again, that is using the, I’m going to be here for you to the utmost level because meet them where they are. Now, who’s ever strongest, and wherever they are is going to dominate that experience.

Kim O’Niell: Yeah.

Jeoffrey H: Because if that person is so locked into their limitations, and you know that there’s something else more for you but you’re meeting them where they are, and they’re just not changing. They’re just not changing and suddenly boom, you’re at their level of their belief of their limitation.
It’s one thing to know that look, “I’m creating my own life, you’re creating your life. I am not responsible in any way for how you’re creating your life because again, I’ve made the rules very simple. You are the most powerful thing in this universe and you’re going to do everything to prove me right, even if you fight me. Because if I say that your life is going to boil down to four words if you say so … can’t beat it.”
I can’t beat it. No matter what I say, is going to offer any difference if you believe something so strongly, and nothing is going to waiver you on that, my point is proven. My point is proven. If you say so, but you get to control how you’re say. You get to control how you think, and just from there you can be in your … I’m going to be in my spot here, you’re going to be in your spot here, and oh my god we are all the way up here, and look at what’s happening now because … Damn Kim.
What if I did not take care of myself today? What if I was not ready for you, for this phone … Do you have any … It would be the total opposite if I didn’t take care of myself, so I had to be here for you, for this in this moment, to have this fun that we wanted to have.

Kim O’Niell: If you didn’t take care of yourself there’s a good chance that we would not have even been a match, and maybe would not have even … I don’t know. On some level, maybe we never would have connected. Maybe you would have never seen … Because I posted a message on Facebook. Who of my friends would be interested in doing an interview like this.

Jeoffrey H: Right.

Kim O’Niell: You may have not seen it, or I may not have even thought of you because I thought of you for the radio show too, right?

Jeoffrey H: Yeah.

Kim O’Niell: That’s the importance. You taking care of you, and me taking care of me. Right? And also listening to my guidance allowed us to link up and, ah ha, there is a match. I feel such just … I’m not flirting Jeoffrey… But our energy was

Jeoffrey H: I know I get it. No, you don’t understand. Because I get it and what you just said there was echoing a life experience that I had personally when I was younger. When I didn’t have as many words or references as I do now, and it’s very simplistically this, I’m going to take care of me for you. You take care of you for me, so that when we come together there’s no baggage. We’re both fine, and then we can both grow from the wonderful places that we already see, and love each other from rather than thinking, “You’re making up for my weaknesses.”
Because uh-uh (negative). No, no, no, no.

Kim O’Niell: Yes, yeah. It’s not to half’s make a whole. It’s two wholes make this.

Jeoffrey H: Two wholes. Yes. Yes. Absolutely. Yes, yes. I’m not looking for my better half because damn it, I’m not half of a person.

Kim O’Niell: There you go.

Jeoffrey H: I’m wholly me, and you’re wholly you, and we can come together and make three. You’re feeling that energetic mood there but yes, that’s exactly it.
See, this is that new conversation. This is that new place. This is shattering the old belief systems of … I love to have these dangerous thoughts too because since religions are something that’s just again, something that was created … Here’s just a thought, an idea for me that I’ve had, and this is really fun and dangerous too because when we look at Abraham, when we look at-

Kim O’Niell: Abraham Hicks for anyone who’s questioning.

Part 6
